Weak signals - International Relations - Peace Studies
Edited by IFCU and Mileva AI, the machine thinking
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Sunday, September 01 2019

Why Poland Could Master Mideast Issues in the UN Security Council [TR]
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As an elected member of the Security Council, Poland has to interact with similar members of the Council, but [Poland] also brings forward issues that our country cares about.What's interesting about the Security Council is that we're not alone, we appreciate the effort of others.We will bring the issue of the protection of civilian standards, such as the protection of medical personnel, to the ...

Global Energy Transport Security [TR]
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During the Iran-Iraq war, 1980 to 1988, both sides tried to sink the other's oil tankers with little success.The United States also exports LNG to more than 30 countries, thus redrawing energy trade patterns, markets and international relations.After six weeks, Gibraltar allowed the Iranian tanker to leave, despite pressure from the United States to transfer Grace 1, renamed Adrian Darya-1, to ...

Human and food security in South Asia [TR]
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First of all, these are the struggle for spheres of influence in Asia and India's growing economic lag from China.Europe, for its part, may be prepared to recognize and support India's growing sway, but is equally burdened by its own problems.The geopolitical aspect of relations between India, China and the United States is thus becoming increasingly complex and multifaceted.India also wants to ...

Turkey and Malaysia Boost Cooperation, Eyeing Defense Industry and Isl (...) [TR]
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Whether the trilateral coordination between Turkey, Malaysia, and Pakistan can go beyond rhetoric and lead to greater unity in the Islamic world is a difficult question to answer.Greater coordination and integration between predominantly Muslim countries is an often mentioned yet difficult to achieve ideal.The partnership between Turkey, Malaysia, and Pakistan cannot work miracles to that end, b ...

The Implications of China's Regional Military Power Projection (...) [TR]
ejournal.umm.ac.id -
), The People in the PLA: Recruitment, Training, and Educations in China's Military, Strategic Studies Institute, Pennsylvania, 2008, pp.Singh, J., Security Concern and China's Military Capabilities: The Eagle, The Dragon, and The Elephant,' on A. Ayres & C.J.Nurkin, T., Burton, P., Skomba, T. & Hardy, J., The global implication of China's military modernization,' IHS Quarterly (online), , a ...

Error - Cookies Turned Off [TR]
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Cookies are disabled for this browser. Wiley Online Library requires cookies for authentication and use of other site features; therefore, cookies must be enabled to browse the site. Detailed information on how Wiley uses cookies can be found in our Privacy Policy. ...

Once more with feeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific [TR]
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Aspiration is one thing, performance quite another. Putin envisages Russia playing a more influential role in Asia-Pacific affairs, but is such optimism justified? Moscow is certainly more responsive to developments in the region than it has been for some decades, but how much progress has it achieved? And if indeed Russia emerges as a significant player, what will be the nature of its influence? ...

Russia Readies to Boost Cooperation with Mozambique [TR]
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Americans need to take more seriously the motives behind Russia's foreign policy in their analysis.The traditional mention of human rights issues, although important, still appears to be standard fare in US foreign policy rhetoric.In addition, unlike the Soviet Union, modern Russia hardly poses an ideological threat to the United States.And yet, Russia and the United States have avoided drawing ...

Mileva AI, 1660 Château d'Oex, Suisse